Stay tuned for my journey

My first impression of CSN is, this is the beginning of my new life. I decided to come back to school 14 years from graduating high school. I went in blind and just figured out everything by myself. At first it was overwhelming, but after I wrote down steps and completed them in order I was able to successfully become a CSN student. I first enrolled for Sonography but after 3 semesters I changed my degree over to HIT (Health Information Technology) I have my degree in Medical Billing and Coding Specialist. I just want to build onto my degree I already have. I'm excited to start my new journey and evolve.


  1. It takes courage and commitment to return to higher education after 14 years!

    Glad you are building onto the degree you already earned :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022, Jamie ^_^

    1. Thank you for having me, I'm excited to learn even more from this class.

  2. That is so awesome that you are continuing to learn, and the good thing is that at least this will help you open even more doors for yourself in the future.

    1. Thank you and yes eventually start my own business

  3. I somewhat know the feeling. I was supposed to be a CSN student about 11-12 years ago, but decided to play the game of life on hard mode and wound up having a daughter at 19 years old. I can't wait to get a degree and ease up the settings to a much more manageable difficulty.

    1. Same I had my first at 19 second at 21 and my last at 24. I'm grateful for my husband and our family we created.

  4. You're an inspiration to older students who are either returning to school or barely starting. It is definitely an overwhelming experience both signing up as well as starting. It takes real motivation and goal setting.

    1. Thank you, just have to be in the right position and make a move.

  5. Good job couz! Make sure you keep being an inspiration to others! You've got this!

  6. The hard part is over. The getting started and deciding to come back to college is the hard part, well at least it was for me. Now that I am here I am sure there are going to be some road bumps along the way but will get through them just got to keep going.

    1. Girl yes many hurdles but I'm ready. We got this!

  7. Sonography is super cool! I thought I wanted to dedicate myself to health sciences too at one point, but as I studied more I found that I wasn't really passionate about it at all anymore. And I more or less subscribe to doing what I want instead of mindlessly doing what could potentially make me money.

    1. What are you taking? Whatever it is make sure you have some passion behind it. Do what you love so it doesn't feel like work.

  8. I had to search up what sonogrpahy was, it seems really cool, but also health information technology was another field I did not even know existed. It sounds like a really cool program to work in technolgy in the health field.

    1. The health field has so many different fields, look into it if you have a chance.

  9. The admissions process was a challenge, no doubt. Maybe it's all downhill from here?

    1. Downhill not so much more like a slow crawl to the top

  10. I too initially wanted to do sonography since I am already a Medical Assistant/ Phlebotomist, but of course I changed my mind. I think its great you want to build on the degree you already have. Working smart I see!

    1. Why did you change your mind? What's your major now? Yes I don't want to be a jack of all trades, Just want to be a master at one.

  11. I understand the feeling of being out of school for a few years then teaching yourself how to be a student again. I was out of school for 5 years after high school so it definitely took some time to adjust.

  12. Great! I hope you continue on your journey to become a Health Information Specialist. I think you will do well in this class.

  13. I know what that feel going back to school after so many years. It's nice that you want to build on your degree keep up the good work.

  14. Only going up form here! Sounds like fourteen years was just the break you needed to come back to school guns blazing. Never stop the journey and constantly evolve!

  15. I think its a good idea to build on your degree. I its admirable to go back to school and to do learn how to do everything preparing for college is difficult even with help so I admire your work ethic.

  16. That's great to hear! Definitely an inspiration to others. I have family members that have told me that it's "too late" for them to go back which I completely disagree with
