My Birthday

My birthday is January 26 which was Wednesday. I walked into work and my desk was completely decorated with a birthday vibe banner with chocolate kisses spread across my desk and I even had a birthday sash with a crown (which I wore all day). For lunch my office surprised me with canes yummm. Around 2pm my husband called and was like come down stairs. When I walked outside he had a beautiful bouquet of flowers, huge balloon that looked like a birthday cake with candles, and a card. Legit had tears in my eyes, simple things make me happy. After work we went to outback steakhouse for dinner. Later that night, my best friend ever, sent me my gift. When I tell you I cried with excitement omg!!! She got me a dinner and helicopter ride over the strip (I'm doing that tonight), I feel so blessed and loved by everybody around me. I couldn't ask for a better day and amazing people around me.


  1. Happy belated birthday, Jamie :-)

    What wonderful celebrations from your office, husband, and best friend!

    A helicopter ride flying over the Las Vegas strip this Saturday evening, how exciting ^_^

  2. Happy Birthday and I saw the videos, it looked amazing! I'm glad you got to do it, you needed something fun in your life!

  3. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a really lovely and adorable say spent!

  4. That's so cool; the helicopter ride. That view is always amazing.

    Happy belated birthday!

  5. Nice! Happy belated B-Day! My B-Day was on the 16th, I WFH so no decorations, but I definitely treated myself after I clocked out lol

  6. Happy late birthday! I am also a January baby. I had sushi and Texas De Brasil and played Pokemon Legends Arceus for my birthday with friends and family.

  7. Oooo a helicopter ride?? That sounds so fun! Hope you had a great time!

  8. Happy belated birthday. It sounds like you had an amazing birthday. You are definitely bless.

  9. Happy belated birthday! Your birthday plans seem so fun!

  10. Your story warms my heart. I am happy you have wonderful friends that care about you a lot. That's very nice, Happy belated birthday.

  11. Happy belated birthday, Jamie. That Helicopter ride must be nice. Your husband and friends did a wonderful job in helping you celebrate your birthday. Awesome!

  12. Happy belated Birthday Jamie! I am so glad you had an amazing birthday! they way they showered you just shows how amazing you are to the people in your life. I mean I've only been around your in person twice and when obviously seeing that something was wrong with me you checked on me. I really appreciated that. I can tell you are such a caring person!

  13. Happy birthday that sounds like a lot of fun that was very thoughtful of your coworkers.

  14. Happy belated Birthday, it sound like you had a blast for this year, I hope that the next year to be a better day than this year. That way each year, every birthday is one of the best days ever every year.

  15. Happy belated birthday! Awesome to hear you had a great day!
