1.2.8 Microsoft Edge Facts

This topic and skill that I learned was how to navigate thru Microsoft Edge. Before I took this class, I always used Google Chrome. It goes over basic features of the browser. Such as tab refresh, address bar, hub, make a web note, share web note, restore. Alot is the same as Google (that I'm used to). What was new was make/share web note. As I continue to proceed in this class, I'm eager to learn more.


  1. Glad you learned to use a new browser :-)

    I'm used to Chrome as well.

  2. I always say, Microsoft Edge is the top used web browser, used to install Google Chrome that is. lol

  3. Nobody uses Microsoft Edge anymore anyways so there's really no need to learn it. Just stick with Chrome cuzz.

  4. I more or less forgot Edge existed at all, until that particular unit. The light bulb came on...

    "Ohhhh, that's right. Microsoft does have a browser. Huh..."

    I know I used to have to use it for something specific, I just...legitimately can't remember what.

  5. I use to use Edge a lot but then I started using Chrome and since I have not gone back to using Edge.

  6. Microsoft definitely wants users to use the new edge, but like most I am used to Chrome.

  7. I use Microsoft edge. It seems like everyone uses chrome. I think I used chrome in the past, not sure why I switched.

  8. I usually use Mozilla Firefox with Google Chrome as the secondary browser, but I'll admit that Microsoft Edge is so much better than Microsoft Explorer.

  9. I am learning how to use Microsoft Edge also. I always use Google.

  10. I agree I learned how to use Microsoft Edge, but I think I'll stick to Google Chrome.

  11. Honestly I used to close out of the Microsoft Edge browser so fast, I never even gave it a chance. I actually have started using it as an extra browser for certain at work. the tips and tricks I learn in this course never cease to amaze me.

  12. The more I learn about google chrome the more I do not wanted to use it as my web browser anymore. It was interesting to learn about Microsoft Edge I have to do more research but I think it would be a good default browser.

  13. Google chrome is what I'm more use to too, I personally don't really like using Microsoft Edge.

  14. I find Edge good if you want or need to do a lot groups of book marks and have them ready in front of you at all times. Other than that I do agree with everyone else, Chrome is so much more better.

  15. I use edge only when I have to use it. But, I will pick Chrome over Edge any day!
