Tomorrow not promised

Thursday (4-21-22) morning at work my manager gets a text message "Alfa is dead" (Don't text somebody this, call them and show some respect) and she looks at me and my coworker and said, "Is this a joke"? Told us what it said, like that was it no other words so we looking like WTF. She steady calling the number and they not answering. She finally like its from a motorcycle accident. Alfa just got it 3 weeks ago. So we all in disbelief and couldn't process it at first and then it hit and I just started crying like I just seen him yesterday and now he's gone??? I collected my self and tried to get lost in my work. A couple hours later my manager come out and says Alfa committed suicide. As soon as I heard that I had to walk outside it felt like I couldn't breathe. Let me tell you Alfa was always happy and positive. NEVER not one time an attitude nothing. His energy just made you smile. Nobody knew, we didn't even know. It makes me sad that I work with the same people every day, see them more than family and we don't even know each other. I promise anybody can come to me no judgement and talk, if you feeling some type of way tell somebody anybody. You cant back from death and nothing I mean nothing is worth your life.



  1. Heavy! I hope you are processing and handling this loss. My condolence for the loss of your co-worker Alfa.

  2. Condolences for your loss...and I agree, that is not a respectful way to tell somebody something like that.

    An actual phone call would've been a much better way of communicating that.

  3. While I agree, that is not a nice way to give anyone a news like that. I can't speak for anyone but, putting myself in that persons place, considering the circumstances, that person might be in tears or too emotional to speak, but want to get the news out. This is very tragic news for everyone who knows him. This why it's so important to be kind to people, because you never know what kind of day, they maybe having. I am so sorry to hear this has happened. We have all develop the art of deceiving each other, by smiling through the roughest times, but doing that only makes the pain worse. Emotional pain is the worst, because no one knows unless you tell them, and that's the hardest thing to do. May he rest in peace.

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  6. Riding a bike comes with it's hazards especially in a big city with bad drivers.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is to lose a coworker.

  8. I'm sorry for your loss. Rest in peace.

  9. I am sorry for your loss. Hope you find the courage to stay strong while you grieve.

  10. My Deepest condolences. We had something similar happen to us at work back in January.

  11. Thats tragic. I hope you heal from this quickly and wholesomely.

  12. Damn Jamie, I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry for your loss.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My condolences for your loss. I agree, it should have been disclosed differently. It is sad, but that is a mistake many make since texting is so common now.
