
I missed class this past Saturday due to my sons flag football tournament. We had to be there at 730am to check in the team at the same time. First game started at 9am last game ended at 1pm. Teams in each age group had to play 3 games every game you won you advance to the next level. They lost all 3 games but still had fun. Kyan made 4 touchdowns total. The tournament was sponsored by Subway so all the players got lunch sub, chips, cookie, water. There was games set up to win prizes. Kyan won 2 Raiders hats, Raider arm sleeve, sunglasses, 5 football cards and a mouthguard. All the players received a Raiders jersey. Overall his first experience he had a really good time. He now plays for both teams 10U and 12U.                          


  1. Very glad to hear your son had fun at his first flag football tournament and cool prizes to boot ^_^

  2. Ohh that's cool! He looks great in his little football stuff. Good for Ky!

  3. As long as they are having fun, defeat is part of getting better. They will win for sure in the future.

  4. Sounds like he won a bunch of merch! Good for him!

  5. Flag football...we were rough where I played. I got some pretty gnarly cuts from that game.

  6. At least he got some scores in! Congrats!

  7. Keep on giving him that support. I'm happy they are winning those prizes also.

  8. Even though they lost, it must have been fun to play on the field nonetheless!

  9. That sounds like a great time. I'm sure you were a proud mama bear.

  10. He looks great in his gear! all the good luck in the new games.

  11. He look great in his sports gear, he seem happy mom is there for support that all that matters.

  12. He seems so happy in with all his prizes, sounds like football is going well so far.
