Woah life

This past week has been WOAH. It's been nonstop with work, practice, appointments... Averaging 4 hours of sleep a day. I attempted the MOS excel and failed twice like legit couldn't focus or remember anything. The same at work was forgetting or making minor errors but errors none the less. Simple house upkeep turned nonexistent. My body been telling me all week get some rest but nope didn't listen till Thursday night. My youngest was off Friday and usually I just bring him to work with me, but I was like no I need a day off. So, Friday, I took off from work got up early cleaned up my house, finished washing, folding and putting away all laundry (if you're not a parent you won't appreciate the victory with this) and caught up on homework (I wasn't behind but not where I wanted to be). I'm going to spend this weekend on getting some rest and doing practice test for MOS Excel so I can pass because I do know this. Semester is almost over, and I refuse to fail right at the end.


  1. Your fighting spirit is inspiring ^_^

    Get some much needed rest then comeback and conquer the MOS Excel certification exam :-)

    Go Jamie go!

  2. I noticed about the time I hit thirty, the averaging four hours a night thing stopped cutting it.

    Now, I get so intolerable after a day or two that people are begging me to go to bed, for their sakes.

  3. We need to sign a petition to lengthen the days so we can sleep longer lol.

  4. It must feel nice to clean up the house after being unmotivated or behind. That's how I feel like when I put off cleaning my room.

  5. oh my god yeah when I took my MOS 200, I had actually not slept for the prior 41-ish hours! I wasn't even tired, but i'm glad i did so well on the exam though despite not slept for the past two days.

  6. Sounds like you need this Spring Break to relax!

  7. I feel your pain. Between the lack of sleep from working the night shift and poor internet signal, I finally pass the MOS 200 on the third try hang in there you can do this.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's the small victories that help you stay motivated!

  10. Parenting is tough and it's always great even for a few hours to get a break and catch up on other things.

  11. Nothing compensates for rest but rest. I believe resting is the body's way of recharging, and no matter how little, it may be just what you need. I do hope you get a full night's rest soon, and that you conquer this semester like a true warrior.

  12. Lack of sleep can be my biggest enemy; love to see your positive attitude and see how you prioritized sleeping as well as completing those other tasks you needed to get done. I know once we all power through this semester, instead of saying 'woah' we'll all be sighing in relief. Good luck!
