
Saturday started the same class at 9am and then football game at 1pm. Well, this Saturday I was surprised and made me feel so blessed that I have people around me that truly love and appreciate me. So, this is how it begins...

After the game I told my husband that I was hungry let's eat (by this time it's 4pm). Hes like ok we going home. We get home and he keep prolonging to feed me. (ok I'm a cry baby when I'm hungry and like don't neglect me) We now downstairs and legit bout to have a tantrum when there's a knock at the door. I look at my husband cuz nobody shows up without announcing themselves 🤨 I answer it and its my S.I.L (Dena) with bags of food and she said surprise. Then a couple seconds later my B.I.L (D) pulls up with flowers, balloons and presents. They surprised me with coming over to make me a Mother's Day dinner and chill. My husband kept the secret he almost slipped up a couple times but I'm so proud of him for keeping it. Dena and D went to the kitchen and started making Lobster, rice, broccoli and pork chops even had the kids helping them. We had such a good time and like I said I'm blessed that I get along with my in-laws. 

Happy Mother's Day to whoever reads this. Stay blessed.

Coming to an end

As we get closer to finishing this semester I have mixed emotions. One I'm excited to be done and accomplish another goal towards my degree. Second I'm going to miss this class and Professor Wu. He really is here for his students and wants us to succeed and all his hard work is definitely not unnoticed. Thank you for spoiling us and being patient and understanding that life happens and giving me the extra push I needed when I was feeling defeated. I want to wish everybody the best with your journey and hope you all get what your setting out to do.


I missed class this past Saturday due to my sons flag football tournament. We had to be there at 730am to check in the team at the same time. First game started at 9am last game ended at 1pm. Teams in each age group had to play 3 games every game you won you advance to the next level. They lost all 3 games but still had fun. Kyan made 4 touchdowns total. The tournament was sponsored by Subway so all the players got lunch sub, chips, cookie, water. There was games set up to win prizes. Kyan won 2 Raiders hats, Raider arm sleeve, sunglasses, 5 football cards and a mouthguard. All the players received a Raiders jersey. Overall his first experience he had a really good time. He now plays for both teams 10U and 12U.