
Saturday started the same class at 9am and then football game at 1pm. Well, this Saturday I was surprised and made me feel so blessed that I have people around me that truly love and appreciate me. So, this is how it begins...

After the game I told my husband that I was hungry let's eat (by this time it's 4pm). Hes like ok we going home. We get home and he keep prolonging to feed me. (ok I'm a cry baby when I'm hungry and like don't neglect me) We now downstairs and legit bout to have a tantrum when there's a knock at the door. I look at my husband cuz nobody shows up without announcing themselves 🤨 I answer it and its my S.I.L (Dena) with bags of food and she said surprise. Then a couple seconds later my B.I.L (D) pulls up with flowers, balloons and presents. They surprised me with coming over to make me a Mother's Day dinner and chill. My husband kept the secret he almost slipped up a couple times but I'm so proud of him for keeping it. Dena and D went to the kitchen and started making Lobster, rice, broccoli and pork chops even had the kids helping them. We had such a good time and like I said I'm blessed that I get along with my in-laws. 

Happy Mother's Day to whoever reads this. Stay blessed.


  1. What a wonderful Mother's Day you had ^_^

    Glad to hear there is much love between you and your in-laws :-)

    Looking at the photos of your food is making me hungry -- stomach grumbling!

  2. Yes, you are blessed indeed, they did an awesome job, it all look so delicious. That is the best when families can get together and produce a wonderful meal. The cherry on top was everyone get along. Thanks for sharing I am happy for you.

  3. Getting along with the in-laws is always a blessing.

    Also, the lobster and rice sounds amazing.

  4. The food looks delicious, looks like you had a great time!

  5. You are truly blessed with good food and great family.

  6. That was so thoughtful of them! Hope you had a great mothers day!

  7. That's amazing you deserve it Jamie! I'm happy for you!

  8. The food looks amazing! Seems like you had a wonderful Mother's Day.
