Decision made

So after thinking everything through and legit reorganizing my life. Kyan will play football but for only 1 team. I have to be realistic and realize that 2 teams is not gonna happen, Football is a legit full time job and I'm definitely not a "sports mom". I want to give my kids every opportunity at life. Its not their fault I decided to go to school late in life. Anything is possible if your ready to put in the work.


  1. Very glad you are able to reorganize your life to accommodate your son's participation in 1 team of football ^_^

    I'm also glad you balance realism with new opportunity for your youngest son :-)

    Very well said on "Anything is possible if your ready to put in the work."!

  2. That's a great decision and I'm glad everything worked out for your family!

  3. I think pretty much any after-school sport turns out to be a full-time job, eventually...and also a major investment.

  4. It is most definitely a full time job. I hope all turns out greater than you could have expected.

  5. Glad to hear it all worked out, I plan on allowing my daughter to pursue any sport she likes when she is old enough.

  6. I agree, nothing in life that's worth it is ever easy. You got this!

  7. Good luck! glad you came to a conclusion

  8. Jamie, be that "soccer mom" you always wanted to be! Be a Karen!

  9. I am glad you have made that decision, I hope everything turn out great, you can do this.

  10. Good decision! I hope everything is going well!

  11. Keep on giving him your full support. It will pay off one day.
