4.12.9 Applied Lab: Prepare an Online Resume

I've been writing my own Resume forever, but never used the table way. Usually I just used a template and just filled in my information. Going forward I will build my own Resume because I can add my own personality to it. At the end of the day employers just look at a paper and continue about their day so if I can add my personality, I think that would help. What I learned in this class I will be able to use outside of class. From now on I will use what I learned when I apply for another job.


  1. Using a table to align content in Microsoft Word, I love your choice of a new skill learned from Chapter 4!

    It is also a key skill I stress in A3 Tailored Cover Letter and Resume and A4 Homepage ^_^

    Very glad to hear you will use what you learned in IS101-3010, Spring 2022 outside of class :-)

  2. I have not used a table either. I thought it was very insightful and definitely made my resume look more sharp.

  3. I was fortunate; my current boss often uses this trick when authoring pages for a manual or technical paper, so I knew exactly what the directions meant when referencing the use of a table, as opposed to tabs.

  4. I took a class on resume writing while ETS (End Term of Service) from the Army. Afterwards I learned from some friends how to improve upon my resume and again in this class. Resumes can always be better they just take time and effort.

  5. I agree, personality does go a long way and if you can show it through a resume that's a plus.

  6. I plan on using what I learn from this class in creating better resumes in the future as well!

  7. I have been bragging to everyone about creating a resume from scratch. I was honestly shook that I could even do such a thing.

  8. Learning how to create a resume without using a template is great. Every chapter in labSim is an introduce to something we thought we knew but don't.

  9. The table did make the resume look a lot nicer, but I still like to create my own.

  10. I enjoyed learning about how to create tables and utilize them for different purposes like a resume. I think building your own resume instead of using a template looks more impressive.

  11. I haven't actually used it, but I am aware of it now, since I'm taking this class.

  12. I would like to compare a resume I made with a template, to a resume I make completely by myself.
