
Why am I taking IS101-3010, Spring 2022?

I took this class as a pre req to get into my major. I am learning a lot that I can use outside of the classroom when I graduate. 

What are my proudest moments in class?

My proudest moment is how far I have come in this class. I had fun presenting my presentation on the 90s. It's been a struggle managing this class with everything else, but I know it will be worth when I pass this class.

Cali mini trip

My sister-in-law graduated on Friday, welcome the newest CNA in California. I'm so proud of her and her journey. When she told me I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm blessed to be close to my in laws. The plan was to fly out Friday morning (missed flight cuz my husband doesn't listen to me) So we had to jump in the car and made it to cali at 2pm her graduation started at 3pm. We couldn't get our money back on the flight or rental so out $225 but We made it tho yayyy and was worth the smile on her face. When i tell you this graduation was ghetto this guy threw stacks of money into the crowd, hit the lady in the back of her head (she was ok). Afterwards we went to Fixins Soul kitchen. This place is so bomb. Your drink is either red or blue Kool-Aid, for dinner I had smothered chicken with mac n cheese and candied yams. I Wil definitely go back. We drove back Saturday afternoon.

2.2.5 The Windows 10 Operating System

What I learned about Windows 10 Operating system is user interface. The start menu is the main control center interface. The task bar contains quick launch icons. Desktop contains icons and files. Windows Controls allows you to manipulate open windows on desktop.

My experience

The helicopter ride and dinner is highly recommended. You start off at the restaurant and its a 3 course meal. My husband chose the salad for appetizer, main course steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. For me I chose Salad for appetizer, main course I had Chicken sandwich with fries. For dessert we both shared a fudge brownie with ice cream on top. We then get picked up from the restaurant and taken to 5 star helicopter. When you get inside and check in you get a glass of champagne and then got to take a picture. You then wait in the lobby and they call a group of people and you go into another room. They go into detail how the process will go and safety features. This was a first time experience for my husband and I. When you get in the helicopter and start going up you have butterflies of nervousness. All of that disappears when you get all the way up and see the view, OMG its so beautiful. You view the whole strip and fly above all the casinos. The flight wasn't that long but felt forever and I didn't want it to end. Afterwards they take you back to the restaurant. It was a nice birthday and excited for new experiences.

1.2.8 Microsoft Edge Facts

This topic and skill that I learned was how to navigate thru Microsoft Edge. Before I took this class, I always used Google Chrome. It goes over basic features of the browser. Such as tab refresh, address bar, hub, make a web note, share web note, restore. Alot is the same as Google (that I'm used to). What was new was make/share web note. As I continue to proceed in this class, I'm eager to learn more.