My experience

The helicopter ride and dinner is highly recommended. You start off at the restaurant and its a 3 course meal. My husband chose the salad for appetizer, main course steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. For me I chose Salad for appetizer, main course I had Chicken sandwich with fries. For dessert we both shared a fudge brownie with ice cream on top. We then get picked up from the restaurant and taken to 5 star helicopter. When you get inside and check in you get a glass of champagne and then got to take a picture. You then wait in the lobby and they call a group of people and you go into another room. They go into detail how the process will go and safety features. This was a first time experience for my husband and I. When you get in the helicopter and start going up you have butterflies of nervousness. All of that disappears when you get all the way up and see the view, OMG its so beautiful. You view the whole strip and fly above all the casinos. The flight wasn't that long but felt forever and I didn't want it to end. Afterwards they take you back to the restaurant. It was a nice birthday and excited for new experiences.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful experience :-) Did you take any photos while flying over the Strip?

  2. Happy Birthday cuz! I'm glad you got to do something amazing!

  3. I'm sure the view was spectacular.

    The Strip is constantly changing too, so I feel like the view that you get is kind of unique to the moment...a year or two from now, the image will be different.

  4. I have looked into booking a helicopter ride for my girlfriend and I to have a nice little get away. The private ones I have seen go for up to $300.00! Definitely going to wait for the proper occasion to enjoy such an excursion :)

  5. This sounds like a really fun experience and I bet it is going to be a great memory with your husband too.

  6. Very romantic. Helicopter rides are amazing. I like viewing the city from above, especially at nights.

  7. A helicopter ride sounds like fun. How romantic I am happy for you.

  8. That sounds so much fun. Your husband definitely went all out to make your birthday special.

  9. That is a cool experience. The only time I have been in a helicopter was in the Army but it did not come with a 3 course meal and it was definitely not romantic.

  10. So cute! Much love and blessings to you and your partner!

  11. This sounds amazing! I definitely want to try this.

  12. I have never been on a helicopter but that sounds like a amazing experience. Because of the pandemic I think I forgot how much fun the strip could be.

  13. That sounded like a fun birthday celebration

  14. Wow that sounds like such an amazing experience, I can only imagine how it must be to be on top of all of Vegas.

  15. I am super scared of heights but im glad you had a great birthday!
