
Why am I taking IS101-3010, Spring 2022?

I took this class as a pre req to get into my major. I am learning a lot that I can use outside of the classroom when I graduate. 

What are my proudest moments in class?

My proudest moment is how far I have come in this class. I had fun presenting my presentation on the 90s. It's been a struggle managing this class with everything else, but I know it will be worth when I pass this class.


  1. Almost everyone enrolls in a course as a requirement for their degree/certificate pursuit, glad you are learning a lot from IS101-3010, Spring 2022 that you can can use outside of the classroom ^_^

    Balancing work, family, and school is no easy task!

    Great job on keeping current with IS101 and I am proud of your enthusiasm to be the first to present your slideshow topic to the class :-)

  2. Your 90's presentation was great! It was fun reminiscing over good times and good shows!

  3. I really enjoyed your 90's presentation!

  4. The 90s presentation was great I liked the throw back to old school cartoons.

  5. You got this Jamie! Be proud and don't give up! Giving up is not an option!

  6. Managing the workload here can definitely be a challenge. It really tests your time-management skills.

  7. I really enjoyed the nostalgia from your presentation. The workload from IS101 along with the rest that comes with life is very much a struggle but it will all be worth it in the end. You are doing an amazing job!

  8. It looked like you had a lot of fun with your presentation!

  9. That was a fun presentation going down memory lane. Different experience for different countries. I wasn't familiar with some of the things, but it was fun seeing the class come alive reminiscing on the different gadgets that jogged their memories.

  10. I also took this class because it was in my major's requirements. It's nice to be able to learn things in this class then applying it outside of class.

  11. Glad you are making progress in this class. Keep it up!

  12. I missed the presentation but I'm glad you had fun!
